

Social Media Partnerships

Social Media Partnerships

Promote Lunar Boom Music on social media and earn a percentage of the revenue generated by the song.

Invest in your favorite music

Invest in your favorite music

Buy the revenue rights to a song and receive fair, transparent payouts for every stream and download.

Be part of a growing community

Be part of a growing community

Become part of the Lunar Boom community! Use our music, share ideas and lets grow together towards your goal

+0 Songs

Explore our vast collection of music

+0 Free Songs

Start your journey with free tracks

Who are we?

Lunar Boom is a cutting-edge music platform and creator that makes quality(and Copyright FREE) music accessible, affordable, and easy to use for everyone. With us, you do not have to worry about royalties or copyright issues when using our free songs.

  • Vast collection of COPYRIGHT FREE high-quality tracks
  • Music for you projects(FREE), just log in with google and navigate to the browse section!
  • Lunar Boom Partnership programme
  • Lyric AI generator
Reggae Lofi

Reggae Lofi